Wings of Change: An understanding of the light within the depths of the self.
The New Messenger: Creative communication of the heart in the service of others.
El Morya: Thy will not my will.
Kuthumi: Two way communication between “Above and below” among the angelic, human and devic realms.
Lady Nada: A communication of profound self-acceptance and unconditional love.
Hilarion: The Way, the Truth and the Life.
Serapis Bey: The understanding of suffering.
The Christ: The energy to work with and for the light.
St Germain: Transmutation of self which overcomes the desire to be invisible.
Pallas Athena & Aeolus: Creativity and right livelihood with attention to detail.
Orion & Angelica: Beginnings and endings in inner and outer journeys.
Lady Portia: ‘Judge not lest ye be judged.
Lao Tsu & Kwan Yin: Finding the clarity within to communicate from the light.
Sanat Kumara & Lady Venus Kumara: The deepest reconciliation of the inner role models through a universal sense of the Mother/Father God.
Maha Chohan: An intense light on the path of individuation for creativity and clarity of communication from the heart.
Djwal Khul & Hilarion: The emergence of truth as we give ourselves the space to see ourselves as we truly are.
Djwal Khul: The Seeker’s Master.
Head in Heaven and Feet on Earth: Balance and support between the spiritual and the physical, giving the energy to perform one’s service.
The Actress/The Victoria Bottle: Detachment from our conditioned responses so that we may recognise the actors upon the stage of the self.
Love from Above: Love in the little things when practiced brings recognition of the Divine Presence in all things.
Gabriel: The Angel of peace and fulfilment brings discernment.
The Sounding Bell: Purification as a consequence of being in the moment as we bring the love from Above into the little things.
Vision of Splendour: Clarity to see the bigger picture and to gain knowledge through the vibrations of light.
The Essene Bottle 2, The Jewel in the Lotus: Taking responsibility for the thoughts and the feelings opens the door to the power of love.