The Clown, Pagliacci: Joyful insights communicated from within.
Chang Tsu: Connecting with our incarnational star brings wisdom, clarity of purpose and an understanding of our inner gifts.
Triumph: An intense test of discernment and faith towards a deeper balance within.
Go with the Flow: Love from Above awakens the flow of creativity and individuation.
Trust: Self acceptance and trust lead towards the golden area within to find out why we are here, what we are for and the way to do what we are here to do.
The Cup: Many things are brought together in the context of service to the light.
Crown Rescue/The Transition Bottle: Every ending brings a new beginning; letting go and intense service may lead to our “right place.
The Ostrich Bottle: Insight and transformation leading to deep joy and the restoration of the time line.
Artemis: The energy to let go and to love again more unconditionally.
Unconditional Love: Utmost compassion, caring and love for self and others.
Calypso: Insights and deep joy revealed from the heart as we make space for ourselves to enter into the dance of life.
Open Sesame: The process of individuation awakens the Incarnational Star.
Candle in the Wind: A vulnerability that becomes our strength and way towards a higher purpose.
Titania, Queen of the Fairies: An intensified light within accelerates the conscious unfolding of the path of individuation.
Oberon, King of the Fairies:An infusion of light from Above leads to understanding on the path of individuation.
Love Wisdom: The wisdom of love that enables us to see oneself beyond the reflection of self.
Jade Emperor: As we plant so shall we reap.
Energy Rescue, The Time Shift: A gateway to a new understanding; a paradigm shift to time as art and life as enthusiastic wellbeing.
Wisdom Rescue: The initiate finds the way to be active in the world.
Feminine Leadership of the Heart: The trust in the Holy Spirit.
Gretel: Intuitive feminine leadership through co-operation rather than competition, with peace as a priority.
Hansel: Facing the shadow to find the truth of the heart as we see and reconcile more of the aspects of ourselves.
Archangel Michael: An intense truth is revealed in the evolution of consciousness.
Archangel Gabriel: The messengerof the star helping us to get in touchwith our true purpose.