Archangel Raphael: Clarity of perceptionand the higher energetics of being that we may bring the creative possibility into form.
Archangel Uriel: The light of clarity inrelation to our true purpose and a deeper understanding of the heart.
Archangel Sandalphon, Margaret’s Bottle: The inner child reveals the angel that we are, with a four-way energy connection between above and below, the left and the right.
Archangel Tzadkiel, Cosmic Rabbits: A new opening to love of self illuminates our purpose in the world.
Archangel Metatron: Shining the light from Above into the shadow bringing a new dawn into the inner worlds.
Archangel Jophiel: The way back tothe garden of the heart and the opening to a new level within our being.
Archangel Samael: O-live, where wemay find a new beginning for hope within ourselves and a new foundation for our lives.
Archangel Haniel: The support for theHigher will and the development of the Light body.
Archangel Chamael: It is as it is.
Archangel Azrael: Deep insight, ecstasy and upliftment.
Archangel Ratziel: Reciprocal maintenance and the inner alchemy of the heart.
Archangel Tzaphkiel: Support from theDivine Feminine within for individuation and heightened creativity.
Archangel Jeremiel: Through the stillness and the letting go comes the communication of love and truth from the heart.
Archangel Zachariel: Sincerity in love.
Archangel Ambriel: Compassion in all that we do brings harmony into our being.
Archangel Daniel: To restore balancebetween inner and outer relationships.
Archangel Israfel: Clarity in joyful creativity.
Archangel Cassiel: Awareness that is inspired through love.
Archangel Raguel: To be able to see both sides of a situation helps to bring balance.
Archangel Khemiel & Ariel: Deep love and honour towards our being.
Queen Mab: Re-connection to ourselves and the etheric web through our inner child.
Pan: An expression of the earthing of the creative force, trusting the senses rather than over reliance on the Intellect.
Echo: Through accepting ourselves completely and in connection with the Earth we bring about the possibility for transformation.
Ceres: By nurturing ourselves first and foremost we can love ourselves throughout our transformative process.