B72 Equilibrium Blue/Orange (50ml)
In the Aura-Soma colour-care system® this Equilibrium Bottle is called Clown/Pagliacci. The clown of the theatre is a very ancient art, not easy to perform. Part of the training includes a very deep inner work because the performer is asked to drop all the masks and simply BE. The beingness is the achievement: a state in which the clown, without doing anything, without actively acting, returns to an inner state of calmness, from which the performance naturally arises. The actor is asked to lose himself into the eyes of the public and, as he does so, Heaven and Earth reunite. Suddenly he finds himself in the vastness of the ocean and he floats in it, following its flow.The clown is the anti-hero who plays with the challenges of existence, with our fragility and the human weaknesses, like in the Italian opera Pagliacci (which means clowns) by Ruggero Leoncavallo, still widely staged all over the world. There is always a sad clown in us, if we get trapped in the emotions that come from the conditioned patterns of the genetic lineage that we carry (the Orange is the DNA/RNA, the restoring of the timeline). The power of the emotions is such that they can change our DNA. In each of us there is a great possibility of peace (Blue), the possibility to detach from the emotional identities which play many roles on the stage of ourselves. If we focus our attention, our concentration, on the detachment - the Red within the Orange - we can find peace of mind and a sense of allowance of what is.
72 Kabbalistic Angel Association:
MEM MEM AYIN* - IMAMIAH - Deus Caligine Tectus - God Hidden in Darkness Passion. Revealing the True Love.