B102 Equilibrium Deep Olive Green/Deep Magenta (50ml)
Archangel Samael's Equilibrium Bottle was born on 25th September 2001 at 12.00 pm, about 14 days after the Falling of the Twin Towers in New York, welcoming the appearance of the Deep Olive fraction in the Aura-Soma® Equilibrium range. In Hebrew Samael means "Venom of God", "Poison of God", "Blindness of God", "Severity of God" or "Left Hand of God". Samael is an Archangel mentioned in the Talmud, where he was considered to be the Accuser, the Seducer and Destroyer. Samael is known also as the Angel of Death, beyond the human concept of Good and Evil: in fact, the purpose of this Archangel is to take humanity through a test in order to draw out those who build their lives on the wrong foundations, offering them the possibility of a new beginning through a new hope within themselves. Rudolph Steiner attributed this Archangel to the path of the Tower in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, also because Samael works together with Archangel Michael to support the surrendering of the personality (thinking, emotions, body/behaviour) to the awakening of the Heart. The Deep Magenta in the lower fraction is the energy of the Healing Ray of the Love from Above re-centering the Deep Olive in the upper fraction, which may be related to deep bitterness, fears, rigidity, supporting a deep re-evaluation of the guidance of the heart in our life choices. It is about the possibility of transcending the destruction and the loss we may have experienced on different levels, and the revelation of a new sense of being and reborn hope.