B81 Equilibrium Pink/Pink (50ml)
This Equilibrium Bottle carries the energy of Unconditional Love, which is a love that has no conditions, as conditions turn love into selfish attachment with a lot of expectations, creating a huge gap between the way one would like things to be and reality. If we look at the nature of the self, we realize that we have a tendency to judge our and other's words, thoughts, actions, feelings and qualities before accepting and loving them, to treat badly and rejecting those who do not fulfill these requirements. This is not love, but attachment, that is another aspect of the Pink energy, which has a tendency to put the little "I" at the center of the world, supporting the view of how things should be according to it. Unconditional Love, on the other side, is about loving ourselves and others as they are. It is a vibration of energy that partakes of the Divine, which softens the heart making it reach towards compassion, mercy and gratitude for everything there is, and things the way they are. In the Aura-Soma® system this Bottle is to be considered the Return Journey of B3, the Atlantean Bottle, associated to the Heart chakra, known as Anahata, which rules how we relate to ourselves and others. B3 is about emotional discomfort and the challenge in expressing or accepting our true feelings. As the Pink of Unconditional Love is expressed through the heart, we accept ourselves unconditionally and offer unconditional love to others, transferring our intuitive information in the daily life.
72 Kabbalistic Angel Association:
VAV BETH CHET* - HABUHIAH - Deus Liberalissimus Dator - God The Kindest Giver. Living the Blessing of Love.