B8 Equilibrium Yellow/Blue (50ml)
This Equilibrium Bottle is associated with the Egyptian God Anubis, who was in charge of guarding the threshold to the other world. In order to allow the passage to the other side, he measured the weight of the heart of those who wished to pass, against the balancing number of feathers of their wings, in order to determine how heavy their heart was. Therefore, this Bottle has the purpose of showing us how many compromises we have done with our heart and our true self. In this Bottle we find the first two primaries, blue and yellow, which symbolise that when we listen to the still small voice within (Blue) and we communicate from that place, we can experience a deep sense of joy (Yellow): it is about being true to ourselves. As we judge what we feel, fear, anxieties and a sense of heaviness in the heart may result. This ottle can help us listen to the inner self and express it with a deep sense of joy.