Finger Labyrinth - Cloth 7
OUT OF STOCK - Labyrinths have been around for over 4,000 years and they have been used by many different cultures and religions across time for different purposes (relaxation, meditation and prayer with the aim bringing spiritual and emotional well-being to the lives of those who used them). A Labyrinth is not a maze, even if we may think they are the same. A maze has blind dead ends that are used to confuse and trick the mind with the intention of making us get lost by disconnecting us from our inner power. A labyrinth is a spiral course having a single, winding unobstructed path from the outside to the centre, with the purpose of supporting one’s return to the Source by leaving behind what is preventing us from being who we truly are, promoting the connection with our inner center and our return to the world anew, ready to manifest what deeply realized during the walk. Labyrinths were created from the geometrical combination of a Circle - symbol of the Divine and Cyclic Time - and a Square - symbolic of Matter and Space. We walk a labyrinth when we need to find clarity regarding an issue, when we aspire to reconnect to the Source, and when we are asking for Divine guidance in relation to our being in time and space. A labyrinth can be walked physically, but also with our finger, as our hand is deeply connected to our inner being - this is why Finger Labyrinths have come into being. A Finger Labyrinth is similar to a full-sized walkable labyrinth but made on a much smaller and more portable scale. The user traces the path to the centre “walking” their finger rather than barefoot. As we “walk” a labyrinth, we enter a sacred path, the path that is symbolic of our way throughout life, a path that we deeply know, and we recognize as it is our soul’s path throughout this life. The Finger Labyrinth created by IIS is a unique Classical 11 Circuit Unicursal Labyrinth made on the pattern of the newborn Crystal Labyrinth of Stavello, which the Founders of the School built in collaboration with the Oasi Zegna (BI). Each path is symbolic of one of the 12 colours of the Zodiac and it is associated to a star sign and its consciousness. The aim is to take the person through the 12 different level of consciousness within the self, from red to magenta – the Hue-man – in order to promote the process of self-awakening to the Higher self (Soul). In Esoteric Numerology 12/3 is the number of the Trinity, the blueprint, the soul plan; it is an initiatic number and it offers us the opportunity to see ourselves as we truly are. The Finger Labyrinth is a wonderful tool to constantly work with ourselves at any time and in any moment we need. As in the unicursal labyrinth the path continually changes direction - right/left and left/right -, the walk triggers the right brain-left brain process, supporting the individual’s Quantum Leap in consciousness. The Finger Labyrinth is a fabulous tool given to us to become who we are meant to be. Each IIS Labyrinth is unique and non-reproducible, as the vibration and talents of each of us are. When you choose yours, you connect with your own inner vibration. “The Labyrinth literally reintroduces the experience of walking a clearly defined path. This reminds us that there is a path, a process that brings us to unity, to the center of our beings. In the simple act of walking, the soul finds solace and peace”. Lauren Artress