I-Ching and Esoteric Numerology - Part 3

The I Ching or Book of Changes and Esoteric Numerology

05/09/2024 - 07/04/2024

I-Ching and Esoteric Numerology - Part 3


The master sees beyond what is obvious. He sees the unseen, feels the unfelt, and hears the unheard. He looks below the surface for what is hidden and so finds the great heartbeat of the Universe. He smiles, knowing it is his heartbeat, your heartbeat, our heartbeat.” - Wu Wei, I Ching Wisdom

The I-Ching or Book of Changes is the most ancient and known book used by sages and emperors of China in order to understand the unfoldment of life. It is a system of 64 hexagrams coming from the combination of two trigrams, which is 3000-4000 years old. It was created with the purpose of drawing a map of all the different stages of the elemental world and of how Spirit works in the form we know as Nature, or Active Intelligence (Ray 3, the Divine Plan or Mind of God).

There are a number of myths surrounding the origin of the first eight trigrams and the creation of this system, but they all refer to the coming together of the interplay of the yin and yang concepts of the Tao, the unconditional and unknowable source and guiding principle of all reality, and elements of the Chinese creation mythology with the aim of describing the movement of energy of life on Earth.

In Esoteric Numerology 8 is the Law and it represents the dance of Spirit into matter, its constant alignment through the relentless grinding and reorganization of the concept. The trigram is a 3, which is associated to Active Intelligence; the hexagram a 6, which is dying to the oneself in order to become a receptive cup to the Divine, 

In the Chinese culture this system was used in order to follow the law of Nature and have a peaceful life, but the true purpose was to assist each individual in breaking from the soul of nature and stimulate an expansion of consciousness. The way of being described by the Tao underlies the importance of realizing that we are dependent on the Higher Power or Creative and invites us to align to that flow. It is about turning any matter over to the Universe and disengage from it so that the situation can be resolved by the Creative. 

The I-Ching shows us what is the inner engagement in the challenge and how to disengage from it through the humble acceptance that, whatever is going on, has the aim of allowing the soul expression and the manifestation of one’s mission and purpose in life. It is not a passivity, but an inner state of soul consciousness, where we learn to see things from the point of view of the Creator.

8x8 is 64 hexagrams. 64 are the possible combinations of the human DNA; 64 is representative of the total of expression of the Laws of Nature in the Chinese culture. 64 in Esoteric Numerology is called “Rebirth of the Spirit” and “Restructuring the church of Humanity”.

The I-Ching suggests a way to realign the world by realigning oneself through the development a humble and independent state of being in harmony with the flow of life in the cosmos. During this series of I-Ching courses we will look at the origin and philosophy of this ancient system and explore together the meaning of the 64 hexagrams in relation to esoteric numerology and the unfoldment of the individual journey in this lifetime to support a soul-centred life prospective.

  • Review of the concepts shared in the previous I-Ching course;
  • Analysis of I-Ching (50-64);
  • Looking at the individual journey through numbers and I-Ching: the Full Numerology Chart;
  • Questions and Answers.


Cristiana Caria – Spiritual Teacher, Soul Facilitator and SQ Coach.

"Born in Italy, she graduated with full marks and honour from the University of Bologna in Humanities and Arts. At the age of 14 she had a near-death experience (NDE) as a consequence of a major accident. An Aura-Soma® and Meditation Teacher, a scholar of the ancient wisdom teachings, in 2017 Cristiana founded the International Initiation School, an holistic mystery school.”


This on-line course, organized and credited by the International Initiation School as part of the Soul Facilitator training, is open to all candidates who took part in the I-Ching and Esoteric Numerology – Part1 and Part 2 course. The places on the course are limited; please book your place in advance by sending your deposit (unrefundable)​. To participate, you must be equipped with headphones + microphone and an on-line navigation device with video camera.

This Seminar will be Video and Audio Recorded. The Video will be available for 7 days only, while the Audio Recordings will be downloadable, for the Students’ own personal use only. 

SCHEDULE (7 days - 24 total hours):
  • 9th May 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time);
  • 23th May 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time);
  • 30th May 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time);
  • 6th June 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time);
  • 13th June 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time);
  • 20th June 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time);
  • 4th July 2022 | 18:00 - 21:30 (Italian Time).

RECOMMENDED RELATED COURSES: Foundations in Esoteric Numerology; Diploma in Esoteric Numerology; Esoteric Astrology - Part 1. The attendance of these courses is recommended in order to obtain a more complete understanding of the subject.

Information and Enquiries

E-mail: secretary@internationalinitiationschool.com

Phone: +39 342 62 66 665 (from Thursday to Tuesday, 9:00 to 13:30 | Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00). You can also contact us directly on our Mobile phone via Whatsapp.

PARTICIPATION PRICES: Please Contact the School Office.

Course Location

On-Line Seminar.

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