Master 2 in Esoteric Numerology

Treasure Hunt

01/27/2024 - 01/28/2024

Master 2 in Esoteric Numerology


"Each number has its own personal vibration and its meaning, and, when people are open to it, it becomes a" door" on the history of ourselves and of our soul"

This on-line course has the purpose of teaching how to work our a numerology map which reveals the energetic qualities and the talents we have brought into incarnation. The key to access this map is our name and it reveals how we can use our karmic potential, as an intent, in order to manifest our gifts and talents. In this context karma is not negative, but it reveals how, behind the surface of our life, there is a clear intent looking to be manifested and revealed.

Each of us is here as an instrument of the Greater Life and what it is truly important is not who we are, but the ROLE we have been given in the Greater Plan. It is important to understand it because it allows us to depersonalize what happens to us and learn to observe it in the greatest context to understand the Love that lies behind it. Through this new map that we are going to learn, we will be able to find out the key to the treasure and also to find the treasure number: a very important information to the unfoldment of our path.

The aim of the Masters Course is to invite our minds to adopt a multi-dimensional level of perception of the qualities of numbers by following their cyclic movements from different perspectives.


Cristiana Caria – Spiritual Teacher, Soul Facilitator and SQ Coach.

"Born in Italy, she graduated with full marks and honour from the University of Bologna in Humanities and Arts. At the age of 14 she had a near-death experience (NDE) as a consequence of a major accident. An Aura-Soma® and Meditation Teacher, a scholar of the ancient wisdom teachings, in 2017 Cristiana founded the International Initiation School, an holistic mystery school.”


This seminar, organized and credited by the International Initiation School, is part of the "CRESCITA PERSONALE" (Personal Growth) program and open to all participants and no pre-requisites are required. The places on the seminar are limited; please book your place in advance by sending your deposit (unrefundable). To participate, you must be equipped with headphones + microphone and an on-line navigation device with video camera. The seminar will take place online on the following dates (2 classes - 12 hours total): 
  • 27th January 2024 | 9:00 - 15:00 (italian time);
  • 28th January 2024 | 9:00 - 15:00 (italian time).
This Seminar will be Audio Recorded. The Students will receive the downloadable Recordings, for their own personal use only.

WHO CAN ATTEND IT: The Masters Course modules can be attended by anyone who has the Certificate of Attendance from a Foundation Course. Individual modules are stand-alone and can be attended in any order and will result in the award of a module Certificates of Attendance.

RECOMMENDED RELATED COURSES: All the Esoteric Numerology seminarsThe attendance of these courses is recommended in order to obtain a more complete understanding of the subject.

Information and Enquiries


Phone: +39 342 62 66 665 (from Thursday to Tuesday, 9:00 to 13:30 | Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00). You can also contact us directly on our Mobile phone via Whatsapp). 

PARTICIPATION PRICES: Please Contact the School Office.

Course Location

On-Line Seminar.

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