Master 6 in Esoteric Numerology

The Weavers of the Fabric of Life

09/09/2022 - 09/10/2022

Master 6 in Esoteric Numerology


Spirit turns the Wheel of Life. The Weavers will reveal its beauty.

We are going to resume our Masters journey by following the cycles of formation of our alche-mist/physicist Universe from the point of view of Spirit. The vocabulary and journey are the same as our own inner and outer experience of life but hope-fully the subtle change of perspective will be quite noticeable as we will endeavour to exclude our own personal grain of salt in the recipe. Spirit does not flow through the Universe to teach us. He does not teach the elements, they form him, they inform him. They are the essential ingredients for life on our planet. Spirit vivifies life.

We create the Weaver’s Wheel to understand the fusion of spirit with the elements that give structure to the will to be, to love and understand.

The workshop will help us to ponder on the qualities of the message given from the Weaver’s Wheel and use the nine numbers from our chart to understand our Soul motivation, our Spirit in action (method), and the realisation of our potential. We share our story as we share our love and our wisdom for the care of our one life.


This on-line seminar is organized and credited by the International Initiation School. The places on the seminar are limited; please book your place in advance by sending your deposit (unrefundable). To participate, you must be equipped with headphones + microphone and an on-line navigation device with video camera. The seminar will take place online on the following dates (2 days - 12 hours total): 
  • 9th July 2022 | 14:00 - 20:00 (italian time);
  • 10th July 2022 | 8:30 - 14:30 (italian time).
This Seminar will be Audio Recorded. The Students will receive the downloadable Recordings, for their own personal use only.

WHO CAN ATTEND IT: The Masters Course modules can be attended by anyone who has the Certificate of Attendance from a Foundation Course. Individual modules are stand-alone and can be attended in any order and will result in the award of a module Certificates of Attendance.

RECOMMENDED RELATED COURSES: All the Esoteric Numerology seminars, The Initiatic Journey through the Esoteric Tarot - Part 1 and Part 2The attendance of these courses is recommended in order to obtain a more complete understanding of the subject.

Information and Enquiries


Phone: +39 342 62 66 665 (Thursday, Tuesday, Friday from 9:30 to 13:30 | Wednesday from 14:00 to 17:00 - You can also contact us directly on our Mobile phone via Whatsapp). 

PARTICIPATION PRICES: Please Contact the School Office.

Course Location

On-Line Seminar.

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