Brings in the light of clear perception and the energy of renewal.
Love and self-acceptance which brings warmth and caring for self and others.
Grounding with earth energies and strongly re-energizing.
Energy and enthusiasm, grounding of purpose and revitalizing.
Love Wisdom, to love and care in a new way.
Restores balance and stimulates deep insight.
Deep joy in reconnecting with innate and collective wisdom.
Fun, laughter and self-knowledge.
Cleansing and refreshing.
Finding one’s own space, going to the heart of things.
Creativity and playfulness.
Peace and communication.
Infinite possibilities and inner seeing.
Calm and balancing, bringing ‘the sweetness of Spirit'.
Serving humanity with energized compassion and deep caring.
Love in the little things and feel the love from above.
Light which is based in hope, based in the possibility of living from an abundant place.
October 14th 2023 On 14th October this year an annular solar eclipse crossed North, Central and South America.