Soul/Body Consciousness Alignment - Part 3

07/26/2019 - 07/28/2019

Soul/Body Consciousness Alignment - Part 3


The Awakening of the Self

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
- 2 Corinthians 9:8
This workshop is the last stage of a threefold path to soul consciousness through this energetic art of healing and alignment. It is about becoming open and receptive to the higher qualities of the soul in order to bring them into physicality through the personality aspects. 

Expressing our own soul in the profane world is the first step to manifest our mission and purpose into the plane of matter and being guided in the process of co-creation of what we are meant to manifest in this lifetime. 

When we awake to our soul consciousness, we realise that we are different than what we thought we were and we become willing to leave behind our old negative mindsets and habits; we feel we want to expand our view of the world and share our authentic Self in order to make the world a better place. 

The sense of giving a meaning to our life becomes immense; our sensitivity and higher mind functions open up in order to show us the way through the different life situations. Our creativity and inspiration increase, and we feel inspired by something beyond us that our little mind may not rationally be able to understand. We are willing to live from our Higher Plan and from soul. We will experience “coincidences” and “synchronicities” in the unfoldment of our daily life. This will assist us in leaving behind our worries, expectations and live in the now from a deep sense of peace “that passeth all understandings”; we will give a new interpretation to conflicts, as we have learnt to see beyond the superficialities of life. A deep sense of Love and Acceptance of the unfoldment of life becomes the key to our own journey making us feel blessed for everything that is.

As we awaken to the soul, we experience a change in the way we express and manifest ourselves in the world.  During this three-day seminar, we will learn the third technique of this art of energy healing, which will facilitate and support the client in their process of awakening to who they truly are as a soul. 


Cristiana Caria


This course, organized and credited by the International Initiation School as part of the Soul Facilitator training, is open to all candidates who took part in the Soul-Body Consciousness Alignment - Part 1 and Part 2 coursesThe places on the course are limited; please book your place in advance by sending your deposit (unrefundable)​. This energetic practice is an art of energy healing to align the spiritual and material aspect of the Self. This technique was received and developed by Cristiana Caria, founder of the International initiation School, as a means to support the process of alignment between the higher energy of the soul and the threefold aspects of the personality by using our conscious presence as a tool. It is a copyright of the International Initiation School and it is accredited as a course in “Crescita Personale.” The Soul Body Consciousness Alignment is NOT an Aura-Soma course. Due to the quality of the products, however, they will be used as a support for the art of energy healing. 

Information and Enquiries

IIS Secretary
phone: +39 059 686147 
Secretary Timetable: form Monday to Friday, from 9:30 to 13:30 

Course Location

International Initiation School
via Fontana 4/A - 41012 Carpi (MO)

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