Learn How to Ask Yourself the Correct Questions to Find the Right Answers
If we know how to rely on our SQ we shall become less fearful, more accustomed to relying on ourselves, more willing to face the difficult and the uncomfortable, and more ready to live at the edge" - Danah Zohar & Ian Marshall
Living a successful life requires a great capacity of vision and decision; this is possible when we are open to listen deeply to who we truly are, and when we are in a state of harmony and self-confidence.
In the Western education a lot of attention has been focused on the learning ability, the assimilation of knowledge and the development of the Intellective Quotient (IQ), the human capacity of reason and cognitive ability. In the 70’ it was believed that a high IQ would have been a fundamental requisite for a successful life. Later in the 90’, scholars discovered the importance of the Emotional Quotient; the term Emotional Intelligence was coined to define the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and action during times of change to be able to face life challenges with resilience. In 1997 new discoveries in psychology and neuroscience made Danah Zohar, a physicist, philosopher and management thought leader, introduce the concept of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) to define the third dimension of the human intelligence associated with the hemispheric synchronisation of the IQ and EQ, which allows the brain to work at the same frequency.
La SQ, located in the higher part of the two hemispheres of the brain, has the capacity to combine their part-brain functions and bring them together into the integrated field of the whole brain, making us experience the same brain state that we achieve in meditation and in the state of presence.
Self-awareness, spontaneity, being vision-and-value-led, panoramic awareness, celebration of the diversity, development of a field of independence, ability to re-frame, tendency to ask fundamental "Why?" questions, positive use of adversity, sense of vocation, sense of compassion and humility are qualities of a high SQ.
When our SQ is developed, there is a need for connecting with and operating from our inner true motivations, which make us more determined and stronger, both in the personal and professional life, in our sense of vision, purpose and meaning.
We are constantly challenged by external forces to redefine the modalities in which we deal creatively with rapid change, uncertainty, global interconnectivity, de-centralization, and greater demands for ethics and meaning, and managing it all requires a new way of thinking, new metaphors, new assumptions, and new values.
Only by learning how to ask the correct questions, we will be able to find the new answers.
The combination of the qualities of the IQ and EQ allows us to use the acquired knowledge in a holistic and panoramic way by learning how to question the past choices and trust the inner intuition and vision.
Increasing the SQ means to develop a Quantum Leadership, a way of thinking which encourages questions and experiments, and thrives on uncertainty.
This unique training course, taught by Dott.ssa Cristiana Caria, Danah Zohar’s pupil and associate, will give the participants the skills, competences and materials to enhance their Spiritual Intelligence and inner Quantum Leadership by learning how to apply the Quantum Systems Dynamics methodology to their life and profession.
- The Brain and the Intelligences;
- New Scientific Discoveries;
- The SQ or Spiritual Intelligence;
- The 12 Principles of Spiritual intelligence Defined by Danah Zohar;
- Exploring the Brain and the Hemispheres;
- The God Spot;
- The Vagus Nerve and the Brain;
- The hemispheres and the Questions for the Synchronization;
- Dissolving the Obsolete Mindsets;
- The Quantum Leadership.
High SQ requires us to be deeply honest with ourselves. It requires us to face choices and to realize that sometimes the right choices are difficult ones. High SQ demands the most intense personal integrity. It demands that we become aware of and live out of that deep center of ourselves that transcends all the fragments into which our lives have shattered. It demands that we recollect ourselves, including those parts of ourselves that it has been painful or difficult to own. But most of all, high SQ demands that we stand open to experience, that we recapture our ability to see life and others afresh, as though through the eyes of a child, to learn how to tap into our intuition and visualization, as a powerful means of using our inner knowing to “make a difference. It demands that we cease to seek refuge in what we know and constantly explore and learn from what we do not know. It demands that we live the questions rather than the answers.” – Danah Zohar & Ian Marshall, SQ: Spiritual Intelligence, the Ultimate Intelligence